Profile PictureRobi at BrightNightLight

Hello Everyone,  Thank you for visiting my shop.  What you see are some of my Limited Edition intuitive healing therapy abstract arts. Beside being a Nuritional Advisor, I have always been fascinated by geometric shapes and colours and it is only a year ago that my desire to create some art came through. Somehow the process of creating those arts through their round shapes did help me to relax and to stop my ‘monkey mind’ and this is exactly what they are made for... to stop your 'monkey mind' whenever you need it.  Soon I realised that my intuitive arts combined with my past education in psychology could support worldwide so many people daily to deal instantly with their stress, anxiety and fear and change those feelings to something better and happier.  Beyond the fact that my arts are colourful, they have a deeper healing ability. Your eyes will automatically look for the centre of the image while still being able to visualise the full image without a need to move your eyes. Each colour has got its own unique quality, energy, and healing power linked to the 7 chakras and is capable of affecting a person’s mood and physical or mental health. Each colour falls into a specific frequency and vibration which can change the energy and frequencies within the bodies. Through this process, colours can help people with brain disorders, those who are emotionally unbalanced, or people suffering from depression.  Visualising my BrightNightLight arts will help you (without realising) to relax. And through this relaxation it will allow you to rise your energy and vibrations. As individuals, we operate on four different levels which are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  In order to heal a person we need to take into account each of these levels. There is evidence of people attempting to use colour for healing and therapy from as far back as 2000 years. Using colour consciously can enable us to heal naturally. We can invite more colour into our lives by picking the colour or colours by the qualities we want to express in our lives in multiple ways.  My brightnightlight art can be used to decorate your room by bringing specific emotions which make you feel good. Or you can simply share them with a loved one to wish them a beautiful day, to help them relaxing and being free from any anxiety or stress. ​I would like to thank you for your time, for reading this note and for appreciating my work which hopefully will have generated in you a sense of positivity and calmness.  Robi Colour therapy to Let It Go

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